Living Your Dream Life

What Does Your Perfect Day Look Like? How long has it been since you had a perfect day? What if every day could be more of what it would take to make it perfect?

Did you know you have a better chance of having a perfect day if you plan your day to be perfect? Novel idea right?! Try it and see for yourself.

Describe your perfect day, plan it out in your daily planner and see if you don’t have a better day than if you were just reacting to your day moment by moment. Give it a try and let me know what you find out!

Remember to plan out everything you need to do as well as everything you would like to do. Use your daily planner to map out your time and make the best use of the time you have.

Especially remember to add something special you would like to do that focuses on you and your goals. You can’t live your dream life if you don’t know what that looks like and plan to make your life look like it!

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Plan Your Perfect Day What Does Your Day Look Like?

Ultimate Dream Creation Starts with a Thought

Everything that ever existed was first a thought! Believe it or not when an idea pops into your head putting that thought on paper makes it more real. It\’s the first step to creating the finished result. Express the thought and create a plan to bring it into exsistance.

A pen and piece of paper is a key tool in creation. Think of all the ideas, inventions, buildings and businesses and more that started with a sketch on the back of a napkin or scrap of paper. Pens and paper are key tools you should have as you create your dream life.

Don\’t under estimate their power to help you flesh out your dreams and create the plans to make them real. Get in the habit of writing down all of your thoughts and expanding them with the creative energy that flows from your mind through your hand and onto the paper via your favorite pen.