Tools to Help Focus on Your Goals

Women Need to Be Reminded to Focus on Their Own Goals

Women live busy lives reacting to the daily needs of family, friends, community and careers. That’s why a Daily Focus is Designed to Inspire, Support, and Motivate women to Live Intentionally and design a life that creates a Legacy based on their special gifts that can only be shared if they give themselves the same attention they give to everyone else’s lives.

A Daily Focus can:

  • Remind You to Focus on Yourself

  • Rediscover Your Own Dreams

  • Render a Life of Purpose Lived on Purpose

We recommend Tips, Tools and Resources to help you achieve your goals and Design Your Dream Life

These are some of the Tools I use to keep me moving forward on my own goals.

Journals Planners Calendars
Tools I use to keep me moving forward on my own goals.
Markings, Paper Mill, Bloom, Paperchase Products

These are some of my current favorites. I just love journals, planners, and calendars so I have them everywhere and change up seasonally or annually. I go with the flow and let the tools do a lot of the work for me with preprinted calendars and project pages and handy to-do lists.

The pink Project Planner has perforated planning pages with To-Do Column, Notes and Next Step Planning sections. It comes with peel and stick labels for Important Tasks. This has  200 planning pages it is a great tool I use for business, home, and entertaining projects. Often times I tear out a page and tuck it in another resource like my calendar. But I also keep most of my project pages right in the spiral bound book. I know where to find my project sheets!   This is by Markings by  C. R. Gibson

My current Calendar is September through September 2016-2017 Weekly and Monthly Planner with pages for Contacts, Notes, Checklists, Maps and Holidays. The Calendar has a soft cover design covered by see through plastic front and back cover adding firmness and a pocket for addition reminders and bills you may want to keep handy. This is by Santa Barbara Specialties by Paper Mill. Similar planner.

I love my To- Do List pad book. The pages are perforated so you can tear them out and add them to a calendar or journal which I often do. However, I also like to use them in place and I can easily flip back and see what I had on a previous list and how I am doing on crossing things off or I am carrying something forward forever (procrastinating). I love the design, this one is Queens Anne Lace I believe and there is a pre-printed section for Must Do Today priorities, a To-Do section where I like to brain dump, a To Buy section to note groceries or other items I need to get and a Grateful For and Meals, Exercise and Water sections all beautifully laid out in a handy size spiral binder. This has a waxed cover and rear pocket and is by Bloom Daily Planners.

My current Journal is lined and I use it as a cross between a journal, planner and a bullet journal. It is a smaller journal and has lined pages, which many bullet and sketch journal folks would dislike but I like the lines as I add more content than drawings and the lines don’t bother me. More on how I use my planners and journals later…. Oh, and the lovely watercolor is a postcard I added so credit to Nancy Gaucher-Thomas for her “Pink Roses” watercolor that now graces the cover of my journal and inspires me to create beauty in my life. I love the covers and colors of these metallic notebooks by Paperchase which plain are gorgeous but the florist in me could not resist adding Nancy’s roses watercolor!

Similar notebooks

Paperchase Journals
Plain Green Metallic Cover and Purple Embellished Cover

My Desk Calendar or Wall Calendar comes with FREE Vision Board sheet and is also by Bloom Daily Planners  Just having it on my desk keeps me aware of the date and any important appointments and it’s great to fill up the blocks with plans and to-do’s and then tear the sheet off and a fresh new month with new opportunity to achieve goals awaits!

I didn’t check prior to this post to see if what I am using is still available ~ so I made some substitute suggestions for a few.

There are so many options for customizing your planning, journaling, and goal setting that there is no reason why you can’t have clarity on what to focus on and what your goals are while having fun staying on track.

There is also no reason why it has to be expensive either, plain notebooks can be embellished with your creativity and work just as well as high-end products so find what works for you and get planning and reviewing your progress. I would love to hear and see what you are using to move forward on creating your dream life! You can post them at our new FB group ~ see you there!

Oh and if you’d like to ~

Get my tips sheet ~ How to Stop the Madness and Control Your Life and Find the Time You Need to Live the Life You Dream Of!
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