How Would You Like to Improve Your Holidays for Next Year?

As I plan for the holidays and as I remember the things that bugged me last year that I want to change for this year I realize ideally if my holiday table and decor were perfect there are some things I would change even more. .

So this is where it makes it so much easier to have a holiday journal where I have references and pictures ( I also like to sketch) to remind me of the design ideas and materials I need, the things that worked really well and the things that were more work than benefit that I will skip altogether this year.

As I review last year and work on this year I add my notes and next years goals.

It’s a living plan—not too rigid but becomes inspirational and a real time saver.

As I glean the holiday magazines, pinterest and twitter post I add notes of recipes for meals or appetizers. When I find one I especially like I add it to the journal. Today I added carmelized french-toast bites. They sound and look so good I have yet to decide if I will serve them for Christmas eve morning brunch or bring them as appetizers/dessert to holiday parties this year! Check out the recipe and you be the judge!

And for the Silver Snowflake Journal check here

Merry Christmas: A Holiday Design Notebook/Journal with 110 Lined Pages (8.5 x 11) (My Holiday Journal) (Volume 3)