Your Life Needs Goals

So you live the life you want instead of the life that happened

Have you thought about how you want to live lately?

It’s easy to get wrapped up in being so busy living our day-to-day lives, taking care of what needs to be done, and reacting to what pops up in life that we forget to live with intention.

We stop living purposefully every day, ensuring we fill our days with what we value most. We grow accustomed to settling for getting through our days, meeting our obligations, and addressing the minutia of daily demands that we react to just because they show up in our lives.

I talk a lot about setting goals, but I want you to understand that there are different types of goals. There are short-term and long-term goals, someday goals, and life goals. 

If you haven’t thought about setting goals for your life in a while, maybe it’s time to look at what you truly value and how to incorporate those values into your everyday life.

Sure, at times in our lives, we have thought about what we want to do when we grow up or when we retire, but rarely do we think about what we want to do with our lives-genuinely thinking about what we want to do with the limited time we have to spend on this earth in this life,

So, what do you want to do with your life? How do you want to spend your days?
Regardless of the things you can’t control in life, what core values do you want to live by, and what core essentials will you strive to have at all phases of your life?

Who do you want to spend your life with? What values will these people have?
What is it you love to do that you always want to make time to do?

What is it if you stopped doing or never got to do would harm your mental, emotional, or physical health?

Is there something you used to do that feeds your soul but you no longer find or make the time for?

Bring back your spark by making daily time to do what you love. Set that as a goal. Not just do it once and consider it a done goal, but a life goal, something you can’t live without, and if you do, you will live less of a joyful, meaningful life. 

Think about the things you value and make them goals to fit into your life now and consistently so you achieve your goals before the sun sets on your life.

Here is my top resource to get you thinking and help you implement the things you value most and turn them into everyday habits that reflect your core values and assure you live the life you want instead of the life that happened. 

 Your Best Year Yet! A Proven Method for Making the Next 12 Months Your Most Successful Ever

This is the perfect guide to help you realize your life goals. The methods in this book will help you make this year the most successful ever and give you tools to use these same strategies year after year to continue always to have your best year yet! 

This book by Jinny Ditzler is worth the read and the work to discover your mistakes and shortcomings from last year, identify your most important goals and values, and help you develop your program to achieve all your goals. 

You can find this book in your bookstore or by clicking below. I’m an Amazon affiliate, so I will receive a fee if you purchase via my affiliate link 🙂 Thank you!

Your Best Year Yet! by Jinny Ditzler