Living in the Flow of Dream Creation

Living in the Flow of Dream Creation

Knowing the Secrets to Create and Live Your Dream Life 

Creating your dream life is as much about how you do what needs to be achieved as what you do to make your dream a reality.

Everything you do from the moment you decide you want a particular dream must be intentional, in alignment with your dream, and infused with the emotions your dreams evoke. 

Understanding the need for consistency in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is especially important. You are endeavoring to consistently work on each goal and advance closer to your dream daily.

If your dream inspires you, you will naturally feel motivated to take action toward achieving it.

When you think positive thoughts about what you want and get swept up in the feelings your dream causes, it is effortless to take the steps.

No matter how hard or long it may take, you are all in on achieving your dream. This is consistency between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; everything aligns with each other and your dream.

If you think negative things like I want this, but I know it will never happen, then the inconsistency of your thoughts and feelings will not align with your dreams.

Even though you may be taking action toward your dream, you are not in alignment with your dream.

Your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors must align, or you will be sabotaging your efforts, and your dream will not become a reality until you align and have consistency across your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

You must realize your beliefs and emotions are as important as what you need to accomplish.

You will achieve your goals and dreams faster and easier by having consistency between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and living in flow aligned with your dreams. 

Being in flow is a state you naturally fall into when you become so engrossed in an activity that your total concentration is devoted to it. This high level of focus can boost your efficiency and improve your motivation and creativity.

Approach each goal with emotion, energy, and belief that your efforts lead to rewards and, ultimately, to living your dream life. 

Believe and act confidently, feeling that your dreams are fulfilled. Once you infuse your being with all the feelings of living your dream life, it’s time to take action and travel the path to get to it.

Your dreams fulfilled are your destination, and like any other destination, there is a specific route you must travel to get there.

Sometimes, there are choices between taking one route or another. Still, you must always continue traveling until you finally reach your destination, or obviously, you will never reach it if you stop and give up. 

While you travel to your pre-planned destination, you know where you are in your journey and where you are going. And so it is with your dreams. You must know your next step and where you are in your dream journey.

Some dreams will take years to achieve, and others can become real in a matter of days, but they all take time to plan and map the route and take the steps necessary to reach your destination. You will continue to follow your plan and map regardless of life’s interruptions. 

Your upcoming milestones are the next step, like where you will lodge for the night, which you already know because you planned and mapped your trip. You have a good idea of where you will get gas. You already know what route you need to take next. 

You know these steps are essential to the success of your trip, and you are conscious of what they are.

The same is true with the success of your dreams. Each step you need to take to achieve your dreams is a goal that must be achieved for you to move forward on your journey to your dream.

Your destination is the life you want to live. The route you must take to travel there is made up of the changes you must make to become the person who lives the dream.

These might include developing a skill, earning a degree, and moving to a new city. All the steps you need to achieve are part of this journey.

The route you must travel comprises steps, tasks, goals, and strategies designed to move you further down the road and ensure you will reach your destination and live your dream life.

Like on any trip you take, your experiences will change you and become part of who you are now. The same is true with your dream journey.

Each step makes you stronger, wiser, and more you. The you that lives the dream life you are traveling to.

Everything you do while planning and traveling your route to your destination must be intentional. This, too, is true with your dream life journey.

Your goal now is to make every day intentional. Step by step, progress toward your goals and dream life.

Remember, the “how” of creating your dream is key. You must feel as if you have already achieved your goals and are living the life of your dreams. Live now with the emotions and vitality that knowing your dream life is real gives you.

The “what” that must be done to achieve your dreams are the steps, tasks, and strategies that are essential to achieving your goals. They are crucial to living your dreams, but the steps and goals are also obvious.

However, most don’t realize how important our emotions and beliefs are to achieving goals and living our dreams. How you do what needs to be done will move you forward faster. It’s the fuel and a key secret to achieving your goals and dreams.

Always strive to feel the results of the goals you plan to achieve as if you have already achieved them. Live your life with intention, be ready to accomplish all you can today, and be prepared to do more tomorrow. 

Remaining focused on your dreams, always knowing what the next step on your journey is, living in alignment with your values and what matters most to you, and feeling joy and gratitude are how you will achieve your goals and make living your dream life a reality.

So start living in flow with your dreams. Feel them achieved, know your destination, and plan and map the journey and each step you must take to reach your dream. 

Be the person who lives that dream now: moment by moment, your dreams will become your reality.

You know now the secret to creating and living your dreams has as much to do with how you pursue them as what you do to achieve them. 

The “how” is living in flow aligned with feelings, belief, and confidence in knowing the way to your dreams and joy in knowing your dreams are yours to be lived. 

Living in the flow of dream creation can change your life. Try it, and you will soon find your dream journey effortlessly unfolding for you. 

After realizing that I had spent my life supporting the needs of everyone, I had no dreams of my own. 

I began researching, studying, and reading everything I could on setting and achieving goals. 

Learning about goals and dreams and the power of having a purpose and a passion for what you do in life. Understanding beliefs and limiting beliefs and their effect on our past, present, and future life. 

Eventually, I discovered my passion was helping women who, like me, spent their lives helping others discover and achieve their dreams.

To do so, I became a Discovery & Accountability Coach and a Certified Dream Coach. Now, I am working on becoming a writer to share what I have learned and perhaps make a difference with the written word. 

Here are a few resources that have helped me on my dream journey. I believe they can be valuable resources for you, too! I’m an Amazon affiliate and will receive compensation for purchases made with my link 🙂

Dream: Clarify and Create What You Want by Marcia Wieder

Brave Thinking: The Art and Science of Creating a Life You Love by Mary Morrissey

Design Your Dream Life by Denise Walsh

The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristo 

Believe and Achieve: 17 Principles of Success by W. Clement Stone