Do You Know the Difference Between a Purpose, a Passion, a Dream and a Plan?

Lots of ideas which one is right?Do You Know the Difference Between a Purpose, A Passion, a Dream, and a Plan?

We often confuse and link them all together. They seem to be the same thing but they are really separate concepts.

When you get clear on each of them you will start to see how they fit together and build on each other in a way that will reveal how to life a life of purpose and passion while achieving your biggest dreams.

When you look deep and get clear you will actually be describing who you are at your core as a human.

 You will be discovering what brings you the most pleasure and satisfaction in your life and how to incorporate who you are and what you love to do into living an intentional life that is in harmony with your purpose and leads you to fulfil your dreams.

Want to know more about how to get clear on your purpose, discover your passion and live your dreams?

I have two suggestions for you.

Read Dream: Clarify and Create What You Want by Marcia Wieder

Request a Complementary Discovery Session with me!

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