Fast Forward to Achieve Your Goals
Delete the Pause Button to Stay Focused on Your Goals
Too often in life, we lose sight of our goals. We forget we even had them. We take a break from working deliberately on the details we need to work on to achieve them. In order to achieve your goals, you must consistently maintain focus on them, consistently take action on them.
It is the consistent focus and action that will achieve your goals. Never say later, tomorrow, someday. Keep your goals in your focus daily. Keep taking action, take steps even small steps to move you forward. Don’t let the business of life get in the way of your goals. Keep your eye on the prize. Know where you are and how far you need to go to achieve your goal. Have a plan and a deadline for achieving your goal and don’t put your goal on hold. Don’t have a pause button that will give you a false sense of being ok with not pursuing your goal.
If it is a goal worth pursuing you should work on it daily until you achieve it. Goals are only achieved with focused effort. develop the daily habit of accessing your goal status and planning the next step, then take it, every day. Never pause, never delay your goal. Achieve it and move on to the next one. Delete the pause button and find the fast forward button.
Picture your life with all your current goals achieved. Keep moving forward taking action on your goals and your dream life will be your life. Loose the pause button, get your focus on and achieve your goals and live the amazing life waiting for you to master your power of focus!