Monthly Goals Review

Are You on Track with Your Goals?

So February has come to an end. We are two months into 2017 and entering month three. Are you where you want to be? Now is the time to take stock in what you did with your time in the past month and see if you could have used it wiser.

Review to see if you spent your time on your dreams or everyone else’s. See if you have moved forward on your most important goals. Be honest. And if you are not where you want to be, acknowledge why you aren’t and what you need to do to course correct and get back on track.

It is not unusual that people fall behind on their progress. However maintaining momentum is key to reaching your goals. You can only maintain momentum by being consistent.

So take an honest look at the past month and do your review. Now you know where you are and what you need to do during this new month to take your next steps and accomplish your goals.
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