Planning Holiday Projects

DIY Ribbon Boxwood Tree
Gold Ribbon Boxwood Tree

Now is the perfect time to plan holiday projects. Those gifts you lovingly make and give each year, those decorations for inside and outside your home,

Like everything, having a plan makes it so much easier to accomplish your goals, get the results you want and enjoy the process.

Whether it is food, candles, soaps, arrangements, knitting or quilting, jewelry, you name it, your “own made” gift is the best gift you can give!

Let me know what your special gift you love to make is. Mine is boxwood trees. I had so many people and groups asking me to teach and for instructions that I finally wrote a book!

If you are looking for a family project or a new centerpiece to make you won’t be disappointed with your boxwood tree ( which by the way you can make the same tree out of any evergreen even white pine) try one or many this year! Here’s How

DIY Ribbon Boxwood Tree
Gold Ribbon Boxwood Tree