Your Ideal Life

Take some time today and think about your Ideal Life

~ Your Dream Life ~
We are so busy living our lives and reacting to the events and circumstance in our lives that we forget to live our lives with purpose.

We forget we once had dreams.

There are hundreds of question you can ask about your daily life but in addition to questions like, where would I live or work? What relationships would I have? Consider asking yourself the following questions.

Take some time today to ask yourself:
Are you living your Ideal Life? Are You Living Your Dream Life?
What would you like to accomplish in your life?
What would you like to contribute in your lifetime?
What would you like to be remembered for?
What Legacy would you like to leave?

Once you have thoughtfully answered these questions, ask yourself if the life you are living will result in these answers. If so wonderful keep living your life as you are. But, if the life you are living is not living up to the results you want in your life, if the goals you have for value and purpose are not possible with your current lifestyle, start now to make deliberate changes to your life so when you are at the end of your lifetime you will have created your Ideal Life, you will have lived your Dream Life.

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