List Your Goals

You may have created a bucket list of things you want to do before you are gone….Well listing your goals is kind of like creating a bucket list on this list has every goal big, little, and all the goals you can think of. We tend to forget we had goals and consider some to small to be a goal but this goal list is for all of your goals. One list where you can see all of your wants and once created you can prioritize them and choose which ones to start working on now.

This list is an ongoing list. Every new goal goes on this list. Only cross of goals you have achieved but keep them on the list. This list will show you how big or small the number of goals you have. It will show you how many goals you have achieved. It will show you how many goals you have yet to achieve.

Let this goal list be like friendship bread, it never ends. Keep your goal list handy and refer to it often – transfer items to your daily planner and work from there but keep this list as an evergreen goal list, it will become a cherished list of wishes and dreams fulfilled and yet to be. Your goal list is a goal bucket list. It’s an important list to have and use to keep focused on achieving your goals.