It Takes Time to Get Thoughts Flowing

When I sit down to write or to list my plans it often takes time to get my thoughts bubbling up from the muck clogged mind of my busy life. First, I write the obvious and then the oh yeah’s show up. Oh yeah, I need to do this, oh yeah, I wanted to do this. That is the sweet spot, when the oh yeah thoughts show up. These are things you may have forgotten about temporarily or even for a long time that are important to remember and plan actions for so that you can move them forward and complete and achieve them. The benefits from making these oh yeah thoughts materialize are waiting for you to remember to focus on them and make that goal a reality.

A few hours outside to just sit and think and let thoughts drop down from our busy conscious brain or rise up from our overfull subconscious mind can be a wonderful weekly exercise. Allow yourself time to feel and let thoughts emerge and reveal themselves. The obvious top of the brain and regular habits are likely to appear first and more easily than the deeper less thought of topics that may be the keys to your future, the solutions to your problems, the hidden desires that are buried in your subconscious mind and hidden from you while you are busy with the business of life.

A few hours of conscious meditation on your life, expressing all thoughts in written form so they can be captured and recorded for a reflection can be a valuable habit to form that leads you to steps and achievements in your life that you would not have taken or experienced at this point in your life without first being revealed in a download of all thoughts. Look for the patterns, the repeated thoughts, themes, topics that show up again and again. See where you could incorporate into your life forgotten dreams, or critical steps to current goals from these downloaded thoughts.

Daily downloads are beneficial both in the a.m. and p.m. You can let thoughts drop onto paper freeing your mind from carrying and remembering that thought until you actually do it. And you can let thoughts drop as a reflection of what you did during the day and helping to clarify what you need to do next to further your goals. Make daily downloads a daily habit but also make time for weekly download meditations where you just allow yourself time to let your thoughts drop from your conscious mind and rise up from your subconscious mind. Try both daily downloads and weekly download meditations to see what they reveal and what changes and progress they help you make in your life.