Maintaining Focus

Focus comes on strong and then wanes. That is the usual pattern. You get an inspired idea, plan to do what it takes to obtain or achieve your goal, but then, squirrel…… you are now interested in the current distraction the new bright shinny object. Your focus for your original goal starts to wane, your interest dims in the excitement and demands being made from this and all the other daily distractions in your life. What’s a person to do? How can you compete with all the noise in your life? How can you maintain focus long enough to achieve one goal let alone all the goals you have?

Limiting your focus is key to maintaining focus on a goal. There is a saying if you chase 2 rabbits you catch neither. I think it is a Chinese proverb, I should look it up. But, for the sake of staying focused on this post I will research that later. So, limiting your focus means you are not letting multiple things drain your focus. You are reserving your time, energy and focus to just the goal at hand. Of coarse life must be lived while you are focused on your goal. Your daily tasks still need to be addressed. But your focus on your goal will allow you to steadily move forward towards achieving your goal. Maintaining focus means some other idea of future goal will not delay you from achieving your goal. Focus will create the shorts path to your goal.

I don’t know how many journal entries from years gone by have the same goals entered. It is clear to me the reason these goals keep appearing in my journals is that I have not achieved them. Life got in the way. I allowed countless distractions to keep me from making progress toward achieving them. I lacked the tools and resources to keep me on track, keeping my goal in front of me. I trusted my mind and my desire to achieve the goals enough. Unfortunately the proof is in the pudding. These goals remained un-achieved because I lost sight of them. I took my eye off the price. I simply forgot about them for a while, and in many cases a long while.

I vowed not to let these goals go un realized in my lifetime. It was obvious I needed help if I was ever going to achieve them. I needed tools and support. If I was able to stay focused on these goals I already would have achieved them. So I turned to making lists. I lost and misplaced my lists all over my home. And then I discovered planners. I loved looking through the calendars and planners in my Staples office supply store. I found that I enjoyed writing my list of to do’s down in my planner. Sense then it has been so much easier to stay on task and achieve goals and plan new ones.

Today I enjoy using planners even more as two things happened. I found a place for my doodles and dreams along with my serious to do list. And I found that there are others like me. Yes the world has gone mad for planners. Creatively shaping our days, weeks, months and years are fast becoming a cultural phenomenon among goal setters for life and business success.

If you haven’t started using a daily planner to track and plan your goal and achieve them I highly suggest you start today. Life is so much easier and bigger when you have a tool as powerful as your own daily planner helping you step by step and holding you accountable to your dreams. Try a planner and see for yourself. I guarantee you will find them very helpful and fun!

Find You Special Daily Planner and Start Achieving Your Dreams Today!